Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Lawyers love Facebook

David Lat, in this NY Observer piece, has picked up on something I've noticed recently, namely that lawyers have a heightened appreciation for facebook. Given that Facebook is such a phenomenon, however, it might not seem to be that much of a revelation. But on reflection, I can confidently say that between the my banker and lawyers friends, it is the lawyers make who up the larger quota of "users".

This reminded me of the news that the London firm Allen & Overy tried to ban facebook, but a staff revolt forced them to relent!

"Big Law associates love using the status update feature, especially to complain to other lawyers about their miserable lot. It may also be that these lawyers, whose days are divided into six-minute increments which must be accounted for, yearn to give any status update that is more alluring than, say, “reviewing lease agreements.”"

Too true? But one can only hope that it remains a "partner free space"...